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The Art and Scientific discipline of Didactics

The Art and Science of Teaching

  • Author : Robert J. Marzano
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2007-01-01
  • Total pages : 221
  • ISBN : 9781416605713


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The New Art and Science of Didactics

The New Art and Science of Teaching

  • Author : Robert J. Marzano
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2018-02-14
  • Full pages : 146
  • ISBN : 1947604031

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The Art and Scientific discipline of Teaching Main Reading

The Art and Science of Teaching Primary Reading

  • Author : Christopher Such
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2021-07-07
  • Total pages : 192
  • ISBN : 9781529769241


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Enhancing the Art & Scientific discipline of Education With Technology

Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching With Technology

  • Author : Sonny Magana,Robert J. Marzano
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Engagement : 2011-07-01
  • Full pages : 200
  • ISBN : 9780985890254

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A Handbook for the Fine art and Science of Teaching

A Handbook for the Art and Science of Teaching

  • Writer : Robert J. Marzano,John L. Brown
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2009
  • Total pages : 319
  • ISBN : 9781416608189


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The Handbook for the New Fine art and Science of Teaching

The Handbook for the New Art and Science of Teaching

  • Author : Robert J. Marzano
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2018-09-21
  • Total pages : 360
  • ISBN : 1947604317

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The Art of Teaching Scientific discipline

The Art of Teaching Science

  • Author : Jack Hassard,Michael Dias
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2013-07-04
  • Full pages : 576
  • ISBN : 9781135889999


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Effective Supervision

Effective Supervision

  • Author : Robert J. Marzano,Tony Frontier,David Livingston
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Engagement : 2011-05-05
  • Total pages : 183
  • ISBN : 9781416613190

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The New Fine art and Science of Teaching Art and Music

The New Art and Science of Teaching Art and Music

  • Writer : Mark Onuscheck,Robert J. Marzano,Jonathan Grice
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2019
  • Total pages : 248
  • ISBN : 1945349808


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The Art and Science of Didactics Orientation and Mobility to Persons with Visual Impairments

The Art and Science of Teaching Orientation and Mobility to Persons with Visual Impairments

  • Writer : William Henry Jacobson
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 1993
  • Total pages : 200
  • ISBN : 0891282459


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The Art of Teaching Science

The Art of Teaching Science

  • Author : Grady Venville,Vaille Dawson
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2012
  • Total pages : 231
  • ISBN : 1742376592


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The Language of Coaching

The Language of Coaching

  • Writer : Nicklaas C. Winkelman
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Engagement : 2020-04-21
  • Total pages : 336
  • ISBN : 9781492591450


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The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing

The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing

  • Author : Kathy Tuchman Drinking glass,Robert J. Marzano
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2018-07-06
  • Full pages : 248
  • ISBN : 1945349360


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The Fine art and Science of Teaching and Learning

The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning

  • Author : Edward Conrad Wragg
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2005
  • Total pages : 278
  • ISBN : 9780415352215


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The Science of Learning & the Art of Teaching

The Science of Learning & the Art of Teaching

  • Author : Jerome A. Feldman,Doug McPhee
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2008
  • Full pages : 462
  • ISBN : UOM:39015070699361

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The New Art and Scientific discipline of Didactics Reading

The New Art and Science of Teaching Reading

  • Author : Julia A. Simms,Robert J. Marzano
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2018-08-17
  • Total pages : 256
  • ISBN : 1945349670


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The Art and Science of Drawing

The Art and Science of Drawing

  • Writer : Brent Eviston
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2021-05-28
  • Total pages : 224
  • ISBN : 9781681987774

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How Humans Learn

How Humans Learn

  • Author : Joshua Eyler
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2018-eleven-19
  • Full pages : 312
  • ISBN : 1946684651

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Rheumatology Teaching

Rheumatology Teaching

  • Author : Yasser El Miedany
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2018-ten-x
  • Full pages : 514
  • ISBN : 9783319982137

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Global Health Experiential Education

Global Health Experiential Education

  • Author : Akshaya Neil Arya,Jessica Evert
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Appointment : 2017-09-14
  • Total pages : 338
  • ISBN : 9781351608282


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The Fine art and Scientific discipline of Lesson Design

The Art and Science of Lesson Design

  • Author : John R. Walkup
  • Publisher : Unknown
  • Release Date : 2020-01-11
  • Full pages : 158
  • ISBN : 9781475854442


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